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Colour palette packages are a nice way to distribute colour palettes while getting access to all the features of palettes for free. Below is a listing of colour palette packages made with palettes (please let me know if you have a package you’d like to see added to the list).

See the vignette on creating a colour palette package to learn how to develop your own colour palette package; vignette("creating-packages").

Package Description Author
  —   AnVILplot AnVIL Colour Palettes Kate Isaac
  —   CCMHr CCMH Data Cleaning Rebecca Janis
  —   cubepalette Cube Colour Palettes Samuel Gow
  —   dohactheme DoHAC Themes and Colour Palettes Samuel Gow
  —   hutchplot Color Palettes and Logos for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center Howard Baek
  —   icampcolors iCaMP Laboratory Color Palette Jason Cunha and Zachary Milstone
  palettes Methods for Colour Vectors and Colour Palettes Michael McCarthy
  —   warwickplots Palettes and Themes Consistent with The University of Warwick's Brand Ella Kaye