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Because palettes supports casting and coercion for colour vectors, it is generally compatible with other colour packages and functions that accept or return colours as a character vector of "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA", colour names from grDevices::colors(), or a positive integer that indexes into grDevices::palette().

This vignette shows how to cast and coerce colour vectors with a select number of colour packages. We use the following colour vector for demonstration.

colour_vector <- pal_colour(
  c("#a00e00", "#d04e00", "#f6c200", "#0086a8", "#132b69")
#> <palettes_colour[5]>
#>  #A00E00
#>  #D04E00
#>  #F6C200
#>  #0086A8
#>  #132B69

The same approaches below will also work for single colour palettes extracted as a colour vector using [[ or $. See the “Subsetting” section in vignette("palettes", package = "palettes") for more details.


To turn colour vectors into sRGB objects, pass them to colorspace::hex2RGB().

colour_matrix <- hex2RGB(colour_vector)
#>              R          G         B
#> [1,] 0.6274510 0.05490196 0.0000000
#> [2,] 0.8156863 0.30588235 0.0000000
#> [3,] 0.9647059 0.76078431 0.0000000
#> [4,] 0.0000000 0.52549020 0.6588235
#> [5,] 0.0745098 0.16862745 0.4117647

To convert colour matrices into a different colour space use as().

as(colour_matrix, "HLS")
#>              H         L         S
#> [1,]   5.25000 0.3137255 1.0000000
#> [2,]  22.50000 0.4078431 1.0000000
#> [3,]  47.31707 0.4823529 1.0000000
#> [4,] 192.14286 0.3294118 1.0000000
#> [5,] 223.25581 0.2431373 0.6935484

To turn colour matrices from any colour space back into colour vectors use colorspace::hex() and as_colour().

colour_strings <- hex(colour_matrix)
#> [1] "#A00E00" "#D04E00" "#F6C200" "#0086A8" "#132B69"

#> <palettes_colour[5]>
#>  #A00E00
#>  #D04E00
#>  #F6C200
#>  #0086A8
#>  #132B69


To turn colour vectors into the standard form expected by farver, pass them to farver::decode_colour().

colour_matrix <- decode_colour(colour_vector)
#>        r   g   b
#> [1,] 160  14   0
#> [2,] 208  78   0
#> [3,] 246 194   0
#> [4,]   0 134 168
#> [5,]  19  43 105

To convert colour matrices into a different colour space use as().

convert_colour(colour_matrix, "rgb", "lab")
#>             l          a         b
#> [1,] 33.54208  54.581655  47.36185
#> [2,] 50.52643  48.851834  60.83304
#> [3,] 80.83906   4.985885  82.46536
#> [4,] 51.69585 -18.090090 -26.58260
#> [5,] 19.58020  15.810397 -38.93221

To turn colour matrices back into colour vectors use farver::encode_colour() and as_colour().

colour_strings <- encode_colour(colour_matrix)
#> [1] "#A00E00" "#D04E00" "#F6C200" "#0086A8" "#132B69"

#> <palettes_colour[5]>
#>  #A00E00
#>  #D04E00
#>  #F6C200
#>  #0086A8
#>  #132B69



To turn colour vectors into the standard form expected by grDevices, pass them to grDevices::col2rgb().

colour_matrix <- col2rgb(colour_vector)
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> red    160  208  246    0   19
#> green   14   78  194  134   43
#> blue     0    0    0  168  105

To convert colour matrices into a different colour space use grDevices::convertColor() with the transpose of the colour matrix.

convertColor(t(colour_matrix), "sRGB", "Lab")
#>             L          a         b
#> [1,] 3857.402  4409.9316  3748.578
#> [2,] 5202.266  4205.9589  4814.042
#> [3,] 7730.129   541.3668  6602.094
#> [4,] 5255.133 -1327.5554 -2215.970
#> [5,] 2479.118  1571.4634 -3318.586

To turn colour matrices back into colour vectors use grDevices::rgb() and as_colour().

colour_strings <- rgb(
  r = colour_matrix[1, ], g = colour_matrix[2, ], b = colour_matrix[3, ],
  maxColorValue = 255
#> [1] "#A00E00" "#D04E00" "#F6C200" "#0086A8" "#132B69"

#> <palettes_colour[5]>
#>  #A00E00
#>  #D04E00
#>  #F6C200
#>  #0086A8
#>  #132B69