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Gimme an R! Gimme an S! Gimme a Rock and Stone.

rockandstone is a package for playing voicelines from the video game Deep Rock Galactic in R.


Install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


By default the voiceline pool includes all “Safe For Work” voicelines.

“Not Safe For Work Voicelines” (with profanity) are opt-in.

rockandstone(nsfw = TRUE)

The voiceline pool can also be reduced to certain categories and/or sentiments to suit your use case.

rockandstone(category = "salute")
rockandstone(sentiment = "negative")

Voicelines can be played on error by setting the error argument in options(). This can be specified in startup files such as .Rprofile to make it persist across sessions.

options(error = function() rockandstone(sentiment = "negative"))


rockandstone currently uses the beepr package to play sounds in R.

macOS and Windows

Sound playback is handled by the audio package and no external program is needed.


Sound playback is handled by one of:

  • paplay utility from the Pulse Audio system
  • aplay utility from the ALSA system
  • VLC media player installed and on the PATH